Language is based on qualification.
My linguistic qualifications
are based on my studies at the Würzburg School of Interpretation (Würzburger Dolmetscherschule) and Johannes-Gutenberg University, Institute for Slavistics in Mainz and at the Faculty of Applied Linguistic and Cultural Sciences in Germersheim, Germany. I am a sworn translator for both the English and Russian languages.
In addition, through continuous professional development (CPD), I enhanced my linguistic knowledge in the legal, medical and business fields. Please do not hesitate to ask for a detailed list of all the courses, seminars and workshops that I have attended.
Since 1995, I have been working as a freelance translator.
- State certified translator for English
- State certified translator for Russian
- Diploma in French from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Paris
- Diplôme Supérieur de Français des Affaires from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Paris
- Commercial correspondent for English and French
My focus is to provide quality translation for the following professional groups and industries:
- Notaries, lawyers, patent lawyers
- Clinics, rehabilitation centres, medical consultants
- Energy management, radio and measurement technology and billing
- Emergency services radio technology for public safety
- Radio technology, mobile telephony
- Software localisation
- Champagne, winemaking and sales